Dear Santa

Dear Santa, My name is Bobby Simmons. I'm almost eight years old. I have been very good all year. I helpd Mommy with the shoping and dishes. I took the dog out every day and I even helped change my little sister's diper. Yuk! I also learned to like broccoli and spinach too. When Mommy needs to go out I babysit for little Melanie, she is too small to take care of herself. She's not big like me. I have been a good boy in school. My teachers like me and my report card is As an Bs. I stay after school every day and put all the seats back and clean the blackboard for Ms. White and I always make sure that the class rabbits, Roger and Bugs, have been fed. They like to eat. They poop to. The other kids make fun of me. They call me a teachers pet, but they don't understamd. The gooder I am the bigger my Christmass wish. Other kids really made a lot of fun of me when I joined the kwier church singing --- But I do not care! We goes around to old people places and they really like to hear us sing. They look tired all the time. Maybe you can wake them up? Every Sunday I take Grandma to church and then we go out for lunch. She likes that. I haven't missed a day of church all year long. Not even when I had a bad cold or when the other kids wanted to play games. I have been very good all year long and I have only one Christmas wish. Last year my Daddy went to jail. I wish to have my Daddy come home. I saw where Aunt Vicki put the gun for Mommy. Daddy hurt Mommy all the time. Then one day he hurt Mommy bad. Real bad. Mommy almost went to Heaven. Now she is in a wheelschair. Dr. Stern said forever! Daddy is a bad man! Daddy is very bad! I know that you are very busy Santa, but I have been so very good. I hope you can give me my one Christmas wish this year. I will be even better next year. Promise. Merry Christmas Love Bobby Simmons

P.S. Say hi to Missez Santa and give Roodolph and Froste kiss and hug forom me. The End (c) 1995 John Charles Galvin