The War In The Stars - 2GP's Review of Empires: Galactic Rebellion by Eagle-Gryphon Games
Two-Gun Pixie Presents: LEGENDARY GAMING 022 – The War In The Stars For untold aeons the balance of forces in the galaxy has held a...

Welcome to 2021, Year of the Rising Dead
Two-Gun Pixie Presents: LEGENDARY GAMING 021 – Welcome to 2021, Year of the Rising Dead "Listen up, you lousy bastards!" A wad of spit...

Spell Balls To The Walls! - 2GP Review of "Epic Spell Wars of the Battle Wizards: Rumble at Cas
Two-Gun Pixie Presents: LEGENDARY GAMING 020 – Spell Balls To The Walls! (NSFW – Not Safe For Wizards) Win or lose they don't care. The...

2GP's Legendary Gaming Presents: Our Favorite Horror Board Games (2016)
We here at 2GP are very thankful for all the positive messages we have been getting concerning our previous articles showcasing fun...

Small Councils & Big Ambitions - 2GP Review of "Court of Kings" by Pawnjoker Games
Two-Gun Pixie Presents: LEGENDARY GAMING 019 – Small Councils & Big Ambition Hear ye, hear ye, nerds and nerdettes of the realm. Lay...

Silly Start-Ups & Brand Bidding - A 2GP Review of "Venture Capital" by Sixpence Games
Two-Gun Pixie Presents: LEGENDARY GAMING 018 – Silly Start-Ups & Brand Bidding Step right up to the greatest circus in the world and put...

2GP’s Favorite Handy Convention Line Games (2016)
THE GREAT CON GAMES Hail thee well and salutations brave survivors of the Nerd Wasteland! Many dangers exist in our Wasteland; an M-5...

Sweat, Blood & Snouts - Super Fantasy: Ugly Snout Assault Review
Two-Gun Pixie Presents: LEGENDARY GAMING 016 – Sweat, Blood & Snouts Psssst! Adventurers. Over here. Word on the cobblestone is that you...

Iron Bar Freedom - 2GP Review of "Escape From Colditz: 75th Anniversary Edition" by Osprey
Two-Gun Pixie Presents: LEGENDARY GAMING 014 – Iron Bar Freedom Ever since the failed escape attempt by the French officers and their...

Two-Gun Pixie Presents: LEGENDARY GAMING 012 – Battlefields of Destiny Already the scouring winds blow up from the arid wasteland which...