Two-Gun Pixie Radio Presents:

Cult 13
Drugs, &

Summer in the 1970s…
New York City is a malicious cacophony of sleazy arcades, police shoot-outs, and battling bands. As temperatures claw into the triple digits humanity begins basting under the oppression of Hellish humidity. Tainted flesh and twisted minds litter the avenues; Hookers line up like diseased parking meters and dope dealers overrun the asphalt like swarms of rabid rats. Crime explodes like wildfire as the city cries out in dread and self-loathing, choking on its own fear.
The Big Apple has become a self-portrait of apathy painted in graffiti and framed in filth.
Local rock band Cult 13! has become one of the biggest draws on the local club scene. The combination of their story-telling lyrics, hard-driven chords, and mythological backdrops has won over a legion of local fans. Fueled by rumors of record label interest and an upcoming interview with Creem magazine the band meets to rehearse for their headliner show at CBGB’s tomorrow night.
Unknown to Cult 13! the stars are not aligning for their good fortune. A lethargic excitement has slowly begun to gnaw through the City’s despondent, artistic, and hedonistic. Nightmares of hideous orgies, amorphous tentacles, and loathing rituals seep through the minds of the abnormal, the deranged, and the shunned. This hysteria consumes their thoughts with ravenous lyrics and unearthly music. Those that hear the calling begin to prepare for their lord - He Whose Name Shall Not Be Uttered...
Their King in Yellow.

When the 20-Sided Warriors approached me about doing a sort-of "mid-season" replacement for our hit Star Wars parody podcast, "Stormtroopin' with Unit 13: Tales from the Empire" I knew exactly what I wanted to run... Call of Cthulhu.
I had been toying around with an idea set in the New York City circa 1977. It was perfect, the year coincides with the release of the original Star Wars giving an Easter Egg to our Unit 13 fans. Growing up in NYC during the 70s I new exactly how to paint the picture of this camapign world.
We hope that you enjoy this actual-play podcast of the d20 Call of Cthulhu role-playing game. This is a "Limit Series" podcast by Two-Gun Pixie that will run exactly thirteen episodes.
This is a game based on the weird-tale writings of H.P. Lovecraft and Robert E. Howard's Mythos Cycle stories. By the end of the story most of the player characters will be dead or insane! How their destiny unwinds is up to them.
Episode 002 - Yellow King Fever
Episode 001 - Sex, Drugs, and Cthulhu
In the very first episode of Call of Cult 13! the band is getting ready for their big show at CBGB's when they find out another band has booked a bigger show at L'Amour.
The band members begin their search into finding out who this new band is who is stealing all of Cult 13!'s fans.
Their search leads them to a name, one none of temhave heard spoken before.
The Yellow King!
Episode 003 - Day Jobs, Don't Quit 'Em
The day of the big CBGB's gig is here and Unit 13! uses their day jobs to research their rival band. Lillian is proud to be a janitor and Ash finds a clue at Bleecker Bob's Records!
The podcasters try to figure out how cameras worked in the 70s. Henry fails out of NYU when he can't tell the difference between Astronomy and Astrology.
Howard has trouble getting into the Daily News building as the Superman movie is being filmed.
After spending their rehearsal time bickering about the rival band The Yellow King, Cult 13! decides to go to L'Amour and ask about their rival. However the Belknap Brothers find their biggest fan should be in a John Water's film as Divine's twin!
Episode 004 - A Cuttle Thing Happen On The Way to CBGB's
The band finds out that Ash hates seafood. Cult 13! makes it to their gig at CBGB's and delas with sound check.
Henry decides there must be a batlle of the bands against their rivals, the mysterious Yellow King.
Lilly just wants to get laid but Unit 13! can't help her out.
As a last ditch idea they take the band van to L'Amour in order to check out this Euroband but can they make it through the raging storm or will they drown in cuttlefish?
Episode 006 - The Yellow King Drop A Mix Tape
Episode 005 - Yo! Cult Rush the Show
Cult 13!'s CBGB show was a bust but they discover they do have a stalker, even if it is just a poster. The band argues if Folk-Funk is even a musical category. Roadie describes Star Wars while on ludes and 'rooms.
Can Cult 13! make it L'Amour in time to confront their musical rivals?
Does Lillian figure out the difference between hand-holding and hand-jobs?
Will Ash perform his Pooh-Bear caught in the honeypot trick to demand respect?
Episode 007 - InXanadu
A musical acid trips sends our favorite rock band on a trip out-of-this world. Thank the Elder Gods that bars dominate the multiverse. A lack of catnip and a Dreamland jam leads Cult 13! on a journey of enlightenment even as horrid Yellow chords linger in their minds.
After playing a last-minute gig for a very hip cat the band is chased out of yet another bar.
Cult 13! returns from their imprompto trip into the Dreamlands and Lillian flips out and quits the band!
After grand theft auto the band discovers a diary that contains weird entries.
Ancient knowledge is learned.
More arguing than driving on the early mornin trip to the Cloisters. Secrets from the past appear before their eyes as horrors stalk them. The Belknap brothers hunt for an alley cat while roadie tokes up.
Yellow King fans and birds do not mix well.

As Cult 13! listens to the Yellow King demo they wonder if a cassette tape can be spiked? Do Harps + Rock'n Roll = Sanity checks? The band wonders if Spanish Fly, liquer, and weed will cure insanity and Lillian plans to find out. The players discuss what a scene swipe is after spotting "dragons" in the night sky. After braving another deluge of cephalopods the gang discovers if a rent controlled apartment on the Upper West Side is protection from Byakhee.
Cult 13! continues their magical mystery tour through the Dreamlands.
They bond over music with an alternate world band.
As their extra-dimensional gig ends the band finds themselves back in their own world. Roadie greets them and they discover the trip was not mere hours but three whole days.
With an upcoming Yellow Kings show the band finds a deeper horror... Roadie partied while they were away but who's cleaning up?
Lillian's grandmother's diary describes a rat-like creature, Black Renkill and an old Hungarian suicide song. The band discovers the Yellow King's vile plan.
Cult 13! invents the human beat box and harmonizes to "Mr. Sandman" in an attempt to gain the upper hand.
Tensions mount as Cult 13! races to the Cloisters with the NYPD in hot pursuit! After a harrowing chase up the Henry Hudson Parkway the band hatches a ?cunning? plan to infiltrate the NYC Landmark and stop The Yellow Kings.
Visions of past fears and horrors claw through their minds as Cult 13! becomes prey of otherworld beings.
What part does the journal of Lillian's grandmother play in all this? Can Rat-Things be trusted? Will the byakhee scare Ash more than the live cuttlefish in his hand?
Cult 13! gets their instruments and prepare for the MOST EPIC BATTLE OF THE BANDS Rock & Roll has Ever seen!
The Cloisters shake under the power of otherworldly Rock but will the blood of Belknap kin foil Cult 13!'s attempt or assist?
The rock rolls out of control fans show their ultimate loyalty. As instruments get Peter Townshend-ed Cult 13! switches tactics and switch their play list.
Morbid music clashes with suicidal songs as the very fabric of reality threatens to drip away from this world.
Blood drenches the Cloisters Lawn as the combination of Elder God music and the Suicide Song meld into a callous cacophony
of corpses.
Cuttlefish rains down from purple storm clouds as band members fall!
Old fears materialize and roadie rolls into action.
At 9:27 pm the chorus climaxes but who, or what, can survive?