Dear Santa
DEAR SANTA BY JOHN CHARLES GALVIN Dear Santa, My name is Bobby Simmons. I'm almost eight years old. I have been very good all year. ...

The Apocalypse of Judas - Chapter III: The Prophecy
WAIT... You Didn't Read Parts I & II Check Them Out Here First... Chapter I: http://nerdoverlord.wixsite.com/twogunpixie/single-post/2016...

The War In The Stars - 2GP's Review of Empires: Galactic Rebellion by Eagle-Gryphon Games
Two-Gun Pixie Presents: LEGENDARY GAMING 022 – The War In The Stars For untold aeons the balance of forces in the galaxy has held a...

2GP's Legendary Gaming Presents: Our Favorite Christmas Stocking Stuffer Games (2016)
Jingle dice, jingle dice, jingle dice roll Jingle dice hit and jingle dice crit Draftin’ and bluffin’ up a Gen Con of fun Now the jingle...

Welcome to 2021, Year of the Rising Dead
Two-Gun Pixie Presents: LEGENDARY GAMING 021 – Welcome to 2021, Year of the Rising Dead "Listen up, you lousy bastards!" A wad of spit...

Spell Balls To The Walls! - 2GP Review of "Epic Spell Wars of the Battle Wizards: Rumble at Cas
Two-Gun Pixie Presents: LEGENDARY GAMING 020 – Spell Balls To The Walls! (NSFW – Not Safe For Wizards) Win or lose they don't care. The...

2GP's Legendary Gaming Presents: Our Favorite Horror Board Games (2016)
We here at 2GP are very thankful for all the positive messages we have been getting concerning our previous articles showcasing fun...

2GP's Legendary Gaming Presents: Our Favorite 13 Games of Cthulhuween (2016)
Stars align as squamish things claw through the misty fabric of reality, preying upon flesh and sanity. That which cannot die stirs...

The Scrolls of Neverwas - 001 Unaussprechlichen Kulten
TWO-GUN PIXIE PRESENTS: THE SCROLLS OF NEVERWAS Welcome to the Nerd Wasteland's last standing Bibliotheca Curio, our library of the...

The Wasteland Watchatorium - 001 Twisted Movie Genres: Horror
TWO-GUN PIXIE PRESENTS: The Wasteland Watchatorium Salutations nerds and nerdettes! Welcome back to the Nerd Wasteland! This month we...