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Greetings and salutations brave survivors of the Nerd Wasteland.

Welcome back to your favorite pistol-packing pixie page of perpetual pop-culture coolness.

In this illustrious and illuminating installment we are going to take a look at an upcoming Kickstarter backed party card game that promises that it “Gets everyone laughing!” So, does that accurately describe this non-collectable party card game or is that statement just a…


This Preview is based on a press release and

access to a PDF version of FARCE


Goes LIVE on Tuesday, the 23rd of August 2016


FARCE Card Game (2-12 players) is a set of 568 cards, all of standard playing card size. These cards are divided into 3 categories; Words, Fragments, and Connectors (along with a number of Wild Cards peppered throughout the deck). These cards are combined in sets ranging from 2 cards to 12 cards by players to put together farcical statements and bizarre sentences. The player who gets the others to laugh the loudest wins the round, gaining a Farce point. Whoever has the most Farce Points at the end of the game wins! YAY!

This is a great benefit having the multitude of combinations from both the choice of three deck types and the multiple choices on many of the cards. With 568 cards, many with multiple uses, re-playability will never be a problem.

- Word Cards are just that, a series of single words (Or two connected words). The player using a Word Card simply chooses which of the single words they are using for their farcical phrase. An example is a card that lists; “Donkey/s”, “Shopaholics”, and “Bi-Curious Cowboys”.

- Fragment Cards contain partial sentences, or fragments. Unlike the above mentioned Word Cards, there is just one fragment listed per card so use them wisely or at least with great wit. An example of a Fragment Card is, “Never have/had/has a turkey for Christmas, as they/he/she always prefer/s a Cockatoo”.

- Connectors Cards help you fill in the small words used in everyday language such as a card that may contain the following list of connector words to choose from; “But”, “Yet”, “Whenever”, “Because”, “They/Their”, “Then”, “Who”, “Is a”, “Or”, “Like/s”, “The”, “Why”, “Are”, “At”, “On”, “In”, “Will”, “When”.

- Wild Cards are hysterical additions hidden in the decks that actually let you use the name of Any celebrity OR Any Player in the farcical sentence that you are constructing.


At the start of the game the players decide who will be the first dealer.

Each round the player to the left becomes the new dealer.

The dealer gives each player a total of a dozen cards. These are divided as follows; 3 Word Cards, 6 Fragment Cards, and 3 Connector Cards.

After receiving their cards each player may ask to return up to 2 of their dealt cards for new ones. Then, with these cards in hand all players have 2 minutes to decide which cards from their hand they wish to use and how to order them into the funniest sentence they can think of.

A player can use as little as 2 cards or as many as all 12 to make the funny happen. Taking turns each player reads their satirical series of comical cards out loud. After all the players have read their cards out loud the group decides on a winner. In the case of a tie the current dealer may break the tie or award both players with a Farce Point.

After a winner is determined each player then folds all their cards (in hand and used) and separates them back into their individual categories. These cards are then shuffled back into their appropriate decks and the next player to the left becomes the new dealer for that round. Once again 12 cards are dealt around to all the players; 3 Word Cards, 6 Fragment Cards, and 3 Connector Cards.


Myself and the Twenty-Sided Warriors are big fans of CAH. In fact, most of the non-gamers I know such as my wife, brother-in-law, co-workers, etc all seem to be fans of CAH.

Looking over the press release and the PDF of the cards in FARCE I can easily see how people will, and already are, making comparisons between this game FARCE and CAH. Both are party style card games whose whole purpose is to make people LOL. Both are really nothing more than a box of unique playing cards.

But does FARCE give us gamers and non-gamers alike anything different, any NEW Reason to buy this if one already owns CAH?


There are three main reasons that I make this statement.

First off, if you own CAH then more than likely you have seen all the cards already, even if you keep up with all the expansions. This is a problem with any game driven by the mechanic of solely playing cards. FARCE does indeed give its players a plentiful plethora of playing cards but how is that different or even better you may be asking yourself… Choices. True and multiple choices on most of the cards that you can play really take the basic mechanic of CAH and revs it up a notch! This increases playability far beyond what competing card games like CAH can deliver for you. You can literally get the same card three rounds in a row and use it differently each time!

Secondly, the simple way that the cards are divided into the three groups of Words, Fragments, and Connectors also takes the basic idea behind CAH and raises the stakes – and again the replayability. This system gives players an even greater ability to make hysterical sentences.

Thirdly the very inclusion of the Wild Cards, which allow you to include the name of any famous person in history OR Even put another players name into the game really, I mean Really, takes this game up to 11! This is a very simple idea that propels FARCE almost into the territory of a roast!

Overall we here at Two-Gun Pixie love everything about this game that we have seen so far; the press release, the PDF of the cards, the YouTube video, etc. this game is a MUST HAVE!

If you have ever enjoyed a funny party card game such as CAH then you will not only love this game but we believe that you will find FARCE to be the natural successor of CAH.

If you have yet to play games like CAH but have been interested in doing so this is the game for you to get! In comparison to each other CAH is like a beta version of a game and FARCE is akin to the finished product.

We here at Two-Gun Pixie can’t wait to see the final version of this game and get it to the table and actually play it!

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