The War In The Stars - 2GP's Review of Empires: Galactic Rebellion by Eagle-Gryphon Games
Two-Gun Pixie Presents: LEGENDARY GAMING 022 – The War In The Stars For untold aeons the balance of forces in the galaxy has held a...

Spell Balls To The Walls! - 2GP Review of "Epic Spell Wars of the Battle Wizards: Rumble at Cas
Two-Gun Pixie Presents: LEGENDARY GAMING 020 – Spell Balls To The Walls! (NSFW – Not Safe For Wizards) Win or lose they don't care. The...

Small Councils & Big Ambitions - 2GP Review of "Court of Kings" by Pawnjoker Games
Two-Gun Pixie Presents: LEGENDARY GAMING 019 – Small Councils & Big Ambition Hear ye, hear ye, nerds and nerdettes of the realm. Lay...

Silly Start-Ups & Brand Bidding - A 2GP Review of "Venture Capital" by Sixpence Games
Two-Gun Pixie Presents: LEGENDARY GAMING 018 – Silly Start-Ups & Brand Bidding Step right up to the greatest circus in the world and put...

Sweat, Blood & Snouts - Super Fantasy: Ugly Snout Assault Review
Two-Gun Pixie Presents: LEGENDARY GAMING 016 – Sweat, Blood & Snouts Psssst! Adventurers. Over here. Word on the cobblestone is that you...

TWO-GUN PIXIE Tabletop Preview Greetings and salutations brave survivors of the Nerd Wasteland. Welcome back to your favorite...

Dwarves In Trouble - Gen Con 2016 Pre-Sale Game Review
Two-Gun Pixie Presents: LEGENDARY GAMING 011 – Of Avarice & Dwarves “According to the Scrolls of the Mountain Seers the numbers couldn’t...

Let Them Eat Cake - GenCon 2016 Pre-Sale Game Review
Two-Gun Pixie Presents: LEGENDARY GAMING 010 –Viva le Eclairs This installment of Two-Gun Pixie Presents: Legendary Gaming is part of our...

Shark Island - GenCon 2016 Pre-Sale Game Review
Two-Gun Pixie Presents: LEGENDARY GAMING 009 – BLOOD IN THE WATER Head's Up Nerd Herd! This special Gen Con 2016 edition of Two-Gun...

Deathbot Derby - Gen Con 2016 Pre-Sale Game Review
Two-Gun Pixie Presents: LEGENDARY GAMING 008 – The Mettle of Metal This installment of Two-Gun Pixie Presents: Legendary Gaming is part...