What’s the word, Nerd Herd?
Welcome back to another exciting installment of the Two-Gun Blog.
This time around I’d like to take a few moments to put down my thoughts on a very silly problem that some individuals feel is a huge issue when it really shouldn’t be.
Let’s take a step back first so I can explain a little about myself.
I was born in 1969 and I can’t remember how long I have been reading comic books. I do remember that I started reading novels about 1978/79 when my friend Sean gave me a copy of the Hobbit. Since then I have devoured so many novels and comics that I could never really count them all. Over all these years I have seen more than many adaptations of some of my favorite written works. When I was younger I had to watch these adaptations, such as the original cartoon Hobbit movie or the god-awful Doctor Strange TV movie because there wasn't anything better as far as the source material goes. I couldn’t believe how much these adaptations got wrong!
I mean I got upset, angry, over the changes.
As I got older and began to understand the meaning (and implications) of an age-old comic book concept I stopped getting angry at the, in my opinion, bad changes made to my favorite novels and comics.
This concept is the Many-Worlds theory; Alternate Dimensions, Parallel Earths. This is not a concept held only in the fantastic minds of science-fiction writers and philosophers. No, it is a common theory these days and even the LHC is attempting to conduct tests to prove their existence scientifically.
But I digress.
This idea makes it all understandable, logical.
I know, whenever I see a movie or TV series based on a novel or comic I enjoy that it IS NOT the novel or comic. As the very phrase “Based On” implies I know this will not BE the book. It will be an interpretation of the original work. That makes it an alternate reality from the original.
Simple concept, right?
As long as the core of a character or story is not changed than it is still the same character or story. Just an alternate version of.
Again, simple concept, yes?
Now, as I explained, I have been a nerd far too long to not understand this. Yet for some reason it seems that this is a lost concept today. Something that I, and most every other nerd knew since the 80s (at least) is like an alien concept to today’s fans and nerd-base.
Now listen up nerds!
There is absolutely NO REASON for you to be arguing that an actor cast for a role is an inch too short to play the character.
SHUT UP complaining about how costumes, clothes, or hair style doesn’t look the same as the source material describes or showed them to be.
JUST STOP with all the HATING because some little detail has been altered.
I swear!
If nerds can’t understand and embrace the idea of different alternate realities then there is no hope for the nerds of today or tomorrow.
IF you can’t stand the idea of one thing changing from the written work to the filmed version than DON’T GO SEE IT. Stay home and re-read the book! Especially if the original author of said work is behind the project 100%, if so, SHUT UP!
Sorry to destroy your sense of self-worth but in light of the creator's opinion YOUR OPINION IS MEANINGLESS!
Yes, meaningless.
This whole concept really came to a head (or at last to everyone’s attention) I think after the J. J. Abrams re-boot of the Star Trek franchise. While most fans either understood what he was doing and accepted some still have not. Either way it is a great example of the use of the Alternate Universe idea, especially as this shows how the original is not destroyed by the new. Both stand separate but grow from the same trunk of the tree.
Likewise the MCU is a different “Universe” from their comic book source materials as is the faltering DC movie universe just a version of its comic franchises.
Oh, and one more point about this whole Alternate Reality concept.
IF you are a “Shipper”, someone who ACTUALLY thinks that just because two actors in a movie or in a show are a REAL-LIFE couple FOR NO OTHER REASON than their characters are a couple in that show or movie, go to the nearest ATM and take out $20. You might be able to use that to BUY A CLUE.
Listen. Just consider it an Alternate Reality and LET IT GO. There they might be a couple but IN THE REAL WORLD, they are just two people going to work.
So remember…
It doesn’t matter how you think it should be. You can have your opinion but just don’t forget that it is ONLY an opinion and by definition not correct or it would be called a FACT, not an opinion.
Yes, it’s going to be different because it’s the equivalent of two different realities.
Deal with it like an intelligent adult and get over it.
Nobody cares.
Whether you’re arguing minute details over the Outlander TV show vs the books or a minor point of difference between the Game of Thrones TV series vs the Song of Ice and Fire novels it’s pointless.
As long as the core of the character, or story, stay intact then just SUCK IT UP!
Besides, with everything going on in the world around you, and in your own neighborhoods and communities these days, is wasting energy and time arguing over these idiot details really worth it?
Go spend all that pent-up energy where it can actual make a difference and leave the comment spaces for people who have intelligent, thought-provoking ideas to speak or questions to ask.
I mean, really…
If you’re getting so upset as to keep posting arguments over made-up facts (because that’s all ANY fiction book really is, you know - MADE UP) than clearly there is something else troubling you. You need to deal with that first than maybe you can contribute to the fan sites and not come off as a lunatic loser who needs a life.
AND NO, starting comment wars over bullshit is NOT a life, it’s a problem. Also, if someone asks you polity not to post something on their wall DON'T BE A DICK and tell them "its not their wall it's a life" and that you can post whatever you want to another persons page at anytime regardless of how they feel about it. That just marks you a petty little loser and coward.
Get a friend, have a drink, get outside and mingle with humanity in person.
Oh, also, your opinions concerning these translations from book/comic into a movie/TV show doesn’t matter because...
You DIDN’T write the original materials and you weren’t consulted on the adaptations.
You’re written complaints, no matter how petty and whiny they may, be DO NOT have any effect on the show/movie you like. The ONLY thing that does is your dollars. If you don’t like something DON’T support it by buying products for it or paying to watch it.
If you are complaining about it that mean you saw it, the company got your time and money. That’s all that matters to them.
Not your idiotic ramblings.
And on that rambling note...
The Great Grognard has spoken.