Violently I am knocked from my lover's bruised and bloody hand. Crashing to the floor my eye watches these two testosterone-fueled men battle for possession of me.
The Stranger's gloved fist cracks a solid blow across Dead Eye's bearded jaw with practiced aim. My lover staggers back, leaving himself open for the body blow which follows.
As the Stranger turns and reaches out for me, Dead Eye catches his breath and tackles the attacker. Both men crash to the old hardwood floor with a moist, sweaty thud. At once, they look over at me and in unison reach out with squirming fingers trying desperately to reach me, their prize. Dead Eye stands and yanks hard on the Stranger's leg pulling him out of reach of me before his strong hands can wrap around my perfect form. The Stranger shifts around and repeatedly stomps my lover's face like a rabid beast caught in a trap all the while still trying desperately to reach me; his obsession. I lie, wordless, as they battle over me. Both men know that only I can end this drug and alcohol powered assault. With red rivers of liquid life streaming down his face Dead Eye focuses past the battle-pains and catches the Stranger's foot mid-kick. A smile slices across my lover's broken teeth and bloody lips as he quickly pulls and twists the Stranger's foot with a smug laugh. A loud, cracking-pop and the explosive scream that follows tells me that Dead Eye broke the Stranger's ankle.
As the Stranger swims through a storm of burning pain Dead Eye races across the room for me. I can feel the adrenalin pounding through his heart and the excitement racing across his flesh. My lover’s warm, moist grip embraces me. Over Dead Eye's shoulder I see the Stranger rise on his good foot. Dead Eye whirls but before I can roar the Stranger smashes his elbow square into Dead Eye's temple like a steel war hammer.
Once again I am flung free from my lover's strong, familiar hand.
As these two hate-filled savages continue their war over possession of me I realize something...
Ultimately I don't care who wins. Both are willing to kill for me and that's all I’ve ever really desired. I really don’t ask for much.
Jab. Bite.
The Stranger's muscular hand finally coils around my palm-perfect butt. As I look down at Dead Eye I wonder if our relationship is truly over. Yeah, he was a bastard but that's what I loved most about him. As the Stranger takes aim he shifts his weight slightly, subconsciously. With a painful scream the Stranger's body buckles under his broken ankle. Dead Eye seizes the initiative. My lover tackles his adversary like a prison linebacker and I’m sent sliding across the dirt and grime encrusted floorboards of this disgusting hovel. I both revel in the violence and bear witness to it with cold indifference... and I shudder at the anticipation of being manhandled again.
Coated in the sweat of two lovers I find an itch skittering across my body. An itch I cannot scratch. And I am aroused. I need to feel a lover finger me again.
As the violence escalates exhaustion begins to emerge as the true victor. A sweeping leg kick catches Dead Eye off guard and he falls prone onto his poorly tattooed back. Before the Stranger can turn to retrieve me a kick from my lover's steel-toed boot shatters the shin on his good leg.
The Stranger howls in pain as he tries to roll over and grab Dead Eye's ankle. My lover is fast. He leaps over the feeble attempt to grab him and sweeps me up into his blood-painted left hand. I face the Stranger with my lifeless, black, shark-like eye and ponder what it would have been like to be his piece?
Dead Eye's bloody hand finally fingers me. I roar out with pent up rage and unbridled passion as I spit lead death. Again and again he fingers me and each time I roar and spit until I lie sultry and spent in my lover's hand. Empty and smoking he tucks me down the front of his pants and my warm, stainless steel body, nuzzles against his hot, wet skin. Dead Eye is far from being my first lover…
Nor will he be my last.
(c) 1997 / 2016 JOHN CHARLES GALVIN
Art Copyright 1997 DENNIS WALDRON

Story and Art first appeared in print in
The New York Hangover - August 1997, pg. 13