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The Twenty-Sided Biography!


Two-Gun Pixie

Book Review

Empire of Imagination

Gary Gygax and the Birth

of Dungeons & Dragons

Author: Michael Witwer Cover Artist: Jeff Easley​​ Hardcover: US $26 / CAN $31 - Also available as an eBook 320 pages 16-page color inserts

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1632862794

ISBN-13: 978-1632862792​​ Publisher: Bloomsbury USA (October 6, 2015)

An amazing cover by famed fantasy artist and D&D alum Jeff Easley does a perfect job setting the tone of the book. In this case one most certainly can judge a book by its cove​​r.​​​​

Michael Witwer's passion for the game, as well as his deep respect for Gary and the Gygax family is a welcomed read. Mr. Witwer taps into the mind and soul ​of his subje​​ct with surprising ease and doesn't let the legend of the man, once named the #1 nerd of all time by sync magazine, overshadow the story.

This book proves to be an informative and exemplary body of work. Mr. Witwer does a commendable job detailing not only the birth and life of Dungeons & Dragons but he also succeeds in creating a window into the loving soul of its creator.

The insights into the personal life of Ernest Gary Gygax ​​are wonderful. This book provides interesting snap shots of the events, incidents, and thoughts that helped shape Gary into becoming the man he was destined to become. Reading through the life of Gary Gygax and following his dreams, hopes, and desires made me feel like I was right there with him.

The chapters are presented as "Levels" and each level is further subdivided into sections denoting a "to-hit bonus" (i.e. +1, +2, +3, etc.). This is a brilliant idea that captures the spirit of D&D and taps directly into any player’s heart. Kudos to the design team.

The beginning of each chapter opens with a scene from a D&D game. These set up each chapter with an excerpt from a game following the life of a fighter (or possibly a fighter sub-class ala original Advanced D&D for all your grognards out there reading this) which mirrors what is going on in Gary Gygax's life during that chapter.

The character is even called Sir Egary. Get it?

Through the life of Gary Gygax, Mr. Witwer has indeed brought his audience laughs and smiles (such as a 15 year-old Gary stealing his dad's car to go "drag main" cruising for girls only to crash the car). The book also delves into the lows of Gary's life (like the heartfelt turmoil and remorse he felt after losing his own father to Cancer). Conversely, readers are also granted beautiful glimpses of a proud and happy father (the scene in Level 2, +11 “The One That Got Away" comes to mind).

One great line in the book that stood out to me about Gary reads, "Reflecting the conflict of a care-free child living inside a man full of adult responsibilities.” This line made me think of a quote from the Fourth Doctor (played superbly by Tom Baker), "There’s no point being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes." I don't know if Gary was a fan of Doctor Who, but even if he wasn't I think he would agree with that line.

The end of Level 8 was the most difficult section for me to get through. Not because of the writing or editing but because of the sad subject. I applaud Michael Witwer's handling of the event. He didn't linger or beat around the bush. He was direct but respectful.

A simple game of chess has never moved me so much.

This book covers events and ripples of his life and death in very touching ways.

Gary Gygax was many things to many people during his life; a son, a friend, a father, an innovator, a family man, a (or THE) Dungeon Master, and a nerd. This book also presents him as a human being, flawed and misunderstood at times, but a good man with a big heart.

Another line that pops out to me from the book takes place after Gary's death. A friend and gaming colleague from Troll Lord Games, Steve Chenault, is sitting with Gary's eldest son (Ernie Jr.) who says, "You know my dad use to be a cobbler." Steve later muses Gary was, "A cobbler who made boots for us all and told us to adventure."

If you have ever rolled a twenty-sided die you should buy this book.

It’s the perfect gift for yourself or your Dungeon Master. A great read for anyone who enjoys biographies, pop culture, or who grew up in the 70s/80s.

Two-Gun Pixie would like to thank the publisher for sending advance reader copies to our office for review.

Two-Gun Pixie's sources at Bloomsbury tell us that the book is already being optioned for a movie.

When's casting and do I get an audition?

“A Nat 20!” - John Galvin, DM of 38 years, The NYC Dungeons & Dragons Gaming Group

“D&D has a new, fourth, core book and this is it!”Curser, The Sparkly Curmudgeonous Will-‘o-Wisp Cobbler

“The Queen of the Demonweb Pits herself couldn't pry this book from my hands!” - Delia, Two-Gun Pixie Princess of the Nerd Wastelands

“An amazing biography! I'm not sure if it should sit on my book shelf or my gaming shelf!” - The Great Gygaxian Grognard (of the Nerd Wasteland)

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